PayPal(纳斯达克股票代码:PYPL)是全球使用广泛、深受消费者信赖的电子钱包。自1998年成立至今,PayPal一直致力于引领在线支付革新,日处理交易量达到1,250万笔。去年我们处理的交易量达40亿笔,其中10亿笔为移动支付。PayPal帮助用户更有效地管理并支配资金,用户无需透露财务信息即可付款,并且可以使用PayPal账户余额、银行账户、PayPal Credit及信用卡等多种资金来源进行支付。
在中国,PayPal致力于帮助中国商户和中国消费者接入广阔的国际市场,同时以全球领先的风险管理和保障服务确保交易安全。PayPal 拥有独特的优势和领先地位,能够帮助中国商户和消费者在全球市场获得新的商机.
1. 覆盖门诊和住院的商业医疗保险、员工免费年度体检;
2. 除了国家法定休假外的15天带薪年假,工作满5年提供额外4个星期的带薪年假(Sabbatical);
3. 教育支持,对工作超过6个月的员工,每年提供与工作相关的教育培训经费(Education Allowance);
4. 对于入职满半年的员工,每年定期提供经费,用于员工配眼镜、牙齿保健和健身(Mini Allowance);
5. 新员工从入职当天开始6周带薪全职培训,包括产品和工作技能培训等;PayPal每年对在职员工提供工作技能提升培训及领导力培训,以及导师制度的长期培训计划(Mentoring Program);
6. 公司不定期组织各种丰富有趣的员工活动,包括Toastmasters、Yoga、Basketball、Boxing Club等;每周提供免费下午茶;中秋、端午节员工礼包,以及员工生日礼券等。
Fueled by a fundamental belief that having access to financial services creates opportunity, PayPal (Nasdaq: PYPL) is committed to democratizing financial services and empowering people and businesses to join and thrive in the global economy. Our open digital payments platform gives PayPal’s 203 million active account holders the confidence to connect and transact in new and powerful ways, whether they are online, on a mobile device, in an app, or in person. Through a combination of technological innovation and strategic partnerships, PayPal creates better ways to manage and move money, and offers choice and flexibility when sending payments, paying or getting paid. Available in more than 200 markets around the world, the PayPal platform, including Braintree, Venmo and Xoom, enables consumers and merchants to receive money in more than 100 currencies, withdraw funds in 56 currencies and hold balances in their PayPal accounts in 25 currencies.