关于迈睿 About Majorel
我们为众多国际知名品牌设计、打造个性化的客户体验 We design, deliver and differentiate customer experience on behalf of some of the world’s most respected brands.
迈睿全球 Majorel Global 迈睿集团是由贝塔斯曼集团和Saham集团携手打造的一家年收入达12亿欧元,拥有高度整合和适应能力 的国际领先企业服务供应商。迈睿的成立成功整合了欧唯特客户关系解决方案(Arvato CRM Solutions) 、Phone Group、ECCO Outsourcing和Pioneers Outsourcing等公司在专业技术与资源方面的优势力 量,设计并实施针对综合服务链中各种业务流程的个性化解决方案,涵盖与服务相关的所有环节。目前迈 睿集团在全球拥有 5 万 8 千余名员工,在欧洲、中东、非洲、美洲及亚洲的 30 多个国家设有分部,提供 60 多个语种的服务,全方位地为遍布全球各行各业的 500 多个知名企业的成功增添动力,是值得客户信 赖的长期合作伙伴。 Majorel came into being in January 2019 when Bertelsmann and Saham joined hands to create a leading customer service organisation with revenues of €1.2 billion. Majorel brings together Arvato CRM Solutions, Phone Group, ECCO Outsourcing and Pioneers Outsourcing. We all share the same values and we capitalise on our joint expertise, experience, and resources to give our clients the most efficient, effective and enjoyable outsourcing experience. We have more than 500 clients globally, many of which we’ve been working with for over 15 years. We serve customers across the world through our 58,000+ employees based in 30 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Americas and Asia in more than 60 languages.
迈睿中国 Majorel China 迈睿中国(Majorel China)前身为欧唯特中国,创立于2001年,在客户关系管理领域拥有数十全球本土 化商业服务经验。在全国 8 个城市,拥有 10 个运营中心,超过 4,500 名员工。凭借丰富的行业经验,领 先的IT技术,卓越的运营服务,产品化及定制化的解决方案,迈睿中国赢得了高科技、汽车、互联网、物 流、美妆、奢侈品及时尚、快速消费品、零售等众多行业的青睐,是超过100家知名企业长期可靠的商业 合作伙伴。公司通过客户体验服务(CX)、数字化营销服务(Digital Marketing)和业务流程外包服务( BPO),为现有客户和新客户提供全新的综合解决方案,与我们的商业客户获得持续共赢。 Majorel China was formerly known as Arvato China, which had decades of global localization experience in commercial service of CRM field. We have 4,500+ employees at 10 sites in 8 cities
across the country, which enables us to distribute our extraordinary services to our customers through every device and in the manner they expect of their brands. Majorel China, delving into various industries such as high-tech, automotive, internet, logistics, cosmetics, luxury & fashion, FM