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熠文(上海)信息技术有限公司职位亮点:外资企业 游戏行业 团队管理 跨国环境

The Project Manager is responsible for the management of a player service team in the video games industry. This individual will work closely with the team overseas while managing the local operation in China. English language ability is a must.
●Manage and take control of one or multiple projects concurrently.
●Assume full ownership on assigned projects and make sure clients's expectations are met, assigning a team accordingly and if needed reasonably adjust processes and setups.
●If needed and in cooperation with the Business Development Management Team, assess scope for new projects and prepare estimates, quotes and case studies for clients.
●Advise clients on best practices and agree on project processes and timelines.
●Prepare schedules and liaise with the Team Leads and facilities based on availability and suitability for the project.
●Manage day-to-day client interaction in conjunction with Leads and assigned team.
●Act as client contact at a management, workflow and strategy level on assigned projects. ●Participate in designing and improving processes, methodologies and tools.
●Define and take part in pre-start workflow and division of team responsibility.
●Assign roles and coordinate workflow within the project team.
●Communicate department software and hardware requirements to the appropriate point of contact.
●Ensure the project is financially successful, and accurate financial reports / invoices created and delivered to the client on time
●Set up and maintain projects in internal financial database system.
Keywords Studios是一家服务全球电子游戏行业的上市国际公司,在马德里,都柏林,伦敦,巴塞罗那,米兰,东京,新加坡,上海,新德里,普纳,蒙特利尔,西雅图,洛杉矶,墨西哥城,波特兰,罗利,奥拉多和里约热内卢(此外还有!)设有工作室。我们在全球拥有超过10000余名热爱游戏的员工,在全球范围内为游戏行业提供一系列的翻译,测试,音频,市场推广,玩家支持,工程和美术制作等服务。 我们倡导“高接触”的服务模式,组织方式精简灵活,工作程序清晰分明,制作流程运用自如,项目管理井然有序,资源规划更是得心应手。 良好的沟通能力,使我们有别于其他服务商,并得到了客户们的一致认可。对我们来说,沟通不仅仅是说英语而已,而是把工作与文化相结合,相互渗透、深层交融的过程。 作为追求全面发展的先驱企业,多年的客户合作使我们已经积累了相当丰富的专业知识,以满足不同客户的各类技术和工作流程的需求。
- 规模:10000以上
- 领域:游戏,服务,及科技
- 官网:
- 公司地址:上海市虹口区城区虹口区
- 工作地址:辽宁省大连市沙河口区城区
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