液体化工品销售(包括但不限于Methanol,DIB, Dimethyl Ether, Phenol, Melamine)
1.年龄: 28岁~35 岁
2. 学历:大学本科以上
3 语言: 英语商务水平
4. 业界经验:有液体化工品销售经验3 年以上,同时对于Bulk 船方面精通
5. 工作内容:
1)Expand our Liquid Bulk Chemical business.
2)According to Liquid Bulk Chemical`s sourcing, decide importing and exporting.And collecting the source of overseas, importing the source to China.
3)Be familiar with Bulk Boat, Handle daily liquid chemical business in both RMB andUSD transaction (details business, credit management)
4)Customer related business development.
5)Make market investigation and strengthen our market position.
6. 其他:擅长与客户的沟通交流,情报的收集以及分析;重视团队的成长和关系;能适应出差以及应酬